Short Story

COVID-19 has thrown us all a sight of need in maintaining hygiene. Social distancing has become and undeclared rule for sustainity. The world is looking to become more hygiene and less prone to germs transmission. We at Airson Technology Services are out with a new product called Step2Out.


Step2Out – Hands free door opener

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Step2Out is a hands-free door opener, mounted to wooden door at the footer. The mounting has done with aid of 3 screws. A teethed flange for frictional grip with shoe/equivalent. 2 bushes are provided to protect from damages.
Special features: 
1.    We provided 80 microns of powder coating to enhance the coating life for 5 years
2.    Product can withstand 75 kgs of load & stay within the yield limits
3.    Aberration free & withstand wet conditions
4.    Provided with 3 self-tapping screws to fasten firmly with door.
How It Works:
A user places leg onto the flat plate or teethed flange momentarily. Retracts the door towards/away to him. After making enough room, user move out of the premises
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